Manager Minute Managing Employee Performance: Communication

Organizations can prevent or remedy many performance problems by ensuring that two-way conversations occur between managers and employees, resulting in a complete understanding of what is required, when it is required and how everyone’s contribution measures up.

Everyone benefits when:

• The employee knows exactly where he or she stands in relation to achieving goals and reaching performance milestones that contribute to career development, promotions and more.
• The manager gains insights into the motivations of the people working for him or her through the required conversations.
• The organization retains motivated employees who understand their role and the roles of others in contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Guidelines for Providing Feedback Effectively:
• Provide immediate positive and developmental feedback in a private location.
• Ask for the employee’s view about what could have been done differently.
• Be specific about what behaviors were effective or ineffective.
• Focus on what the person did or did not do, not personal characteristics.
• Collaboratively plan steps to address development needs.
• Offer help in addressing development needs and providing resources.

Content from the Society of Human Resources Management.

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