Jan. 29: Please take 3 minutes to improve our performance—all results go directly to Gallup

We want to hear your opinions, and the UNT System has contracted with Gallup Inc. to conduct a 13-question, confidential survey to help us improve our performance and employee engagement—to help propel us toward becoming a Best Place for All.

At 9:30 a.m. on Jan. 29, you will receive a special email from Gallup inviting you to complete a brief, confidential survey. Please respond right away—it takes less than three minutes to complete.

All survey responses go directly to Gallup. To further protect your privacy, the survey does not ask demographic questions such as your age, tenure with UNTHSC, department, etc.

So, make your voice count. We invite you to be open and honest in your responses, to help us take the right actions, moving forward.

What do we do with the survey results? We use them to help shape our annual See 2020 strategic roadmap. The 2017 roadmap included a goal to improve employee recognition, a goal that was prompted by our 2017 Gallup Survey results.

Questions? Please email engagement@unthsc.edu.

See results of previous Gallup Surveys.