UNTHSC’s research core facilities use the iLab management platform for facility scheduling, service requests and billing.
To help our customers efficiently navigate that platform, we have scheduled a training session for PIs and users on Wednesday Dec 16th at 11 am via Webex. Please find the information needed to join the meeting below. If you have any questions, please contact the manager for the core facility you have been using or Katrina.Gordon@unthsc.edu.
Join by Computer
https://agilent.webex.com/meet/melissa.de-candia | 826412492
Join by video system
Dial melissa.de-candia@agilent.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+14084588435 US -Santa Clara Toll
8773110456 US and Canada Toll Free
Access code: 826 412 492