Huron Research Suite

The Division of Research and Innovation is pleased to announce the upcoming university-wide implementation of the Huron Research Suite, which will be referred to moving forward as GRAMS – Grant & Research Administration Management Suite.

Highlights of this project include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • It’s a multi-year, multi-phased project that will provide HSC researchers and administrators with comprehensive tools to support the administration of research within one integrated system.
  • The software includes electronic proposal development and routing as well as system-to-system proposal submission (where available by sponsor).
  • Provides tools for the development and management of IRB and IACUC protocols and for the management of subcontracts, contract negotiations and conflict of interest.
  • As you may recall, we implemented Huron’s ECC solution to manage our Time & Effort process in January 2020. As part of this project, we will be adding five additional modules: IACUC, Grants, Agreements, Conflict of Interest (COI) and IRB.
  • It has been successfully implemented in other universities who have reported success in reducing the administrative burden related to research administration while increasing transparency and efficiency for Principal Investigators.

–  Penn State reported a 46% reduction in the average number of days from submission to approval of IRB protocols for expedited and full board reviews.

– MD Anderson reported a 10.6% reduction in average time to approval for new IACUC protocols as well as a 34.5% reduction in average time to approval for IACUC amendments.

– Institutions have consistently noted the benefits of electronic proposal routing and the streamlined approach to building, tracking, processing and submitting proposals on behalf of the University.

We are in the preliminary stages of this project, so there is nothing that you need to do at this time. Further information will be shared as we are closer to launching our first module.

For more information on GRAMS, please visit our GRAMS website.

– Dr. Brian Gladue, Vice President, Research and Innovation