Haven’t taken the Gallup Engagement Survey? Please check your email for the link

Those who haven’t yet completed the Gallup Engagement Survey received an email from Gallup at 9 a.m. yesterday (Feb. 5) containing their personal survey link. Please take three minutes to share your opinions.

If you have already taken the survey—thank you for your valuable input! You will not receive another email.

Your candid responses on the Gallup Survey help us shape our strategic initiatives and create a better workplace—we greatly appreciate your participation.
Here’s what to look for in your in box:
• The email is from “Gallup.”
• The subject line reads “Please take 3 minutes to improve our performance—all results go directly to Gallup.”

Learn more about the Town Hall.

Learn more about how you can use Gallup Survey results to improve your team’s performance.

See previous Gallup Survey results.

If you have questions, please email engagement@unthsc.edu.