Faculty and Staff Return to Campus May 17

To HSC Faculty and Staff
From the HSC Office of the President


After the COVID-19 pandemic started more than a year ago, HSC immediately took decisive steps to protect the health and safety of our team by transitioning the majority of university operations to virtual/remote work. The shift to virtual learning and virtual work arrangements was complex and impressive — Extraordinary Teamwork at its best.

HSC is transitioning back to normal operations and a greater presence of students, staff and faculty on campus. As part of this plan, all HSC faculty and staff will make a full return to campus on Monday, May 17.

For this transition, HSC will follow the established UNT System policies related to Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for faculty/staff requests for leave or other needs due to COVID-19-related circumstances.

It is important to note that team members who were previously on an approved flexible work plan must submit new requests for flexible arrangements. This is to ensure HSC has adequate in-person staffing to meet our operational needs in consideration of staff turnover and structural changes since we were all last on campus together. Please work with your supervisor and do not hesitate to reach out to our Human Resources team if you have any questions.

I greatly appreciate the HSCs team’s resilience as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. As always, this plan remains flexible, and we are prepared to adjust course should conditions and the recommendations of federal, state and local health officials change.

With appreciation,

Dr. Michael R. Williams