General Guidelines
The Elsa U. Pardee Foundation funds research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation funds projects for a one-year period which will allow the establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. It is anticipated that this early-stage funding by the Foundation may lead to subsequent and expanded support using government agency funding. Project relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or cure should be clearly identified. By design, there are no limits set on the grant amount that can be requested. It must be reasonable and clearly supported by the scope of the project outlined in the application. Applications requesting more than 5% overhead are usually not considered. Papers verifying nonprofit status and relevant human subject and experimental animal treatment approvals from the recipient institution will be requested prior to project initiation. A final report summarizing financial expenditure and research achievement is required.
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Gather Your Information
• General Information
General/Contact Information consists of the name of the Principal Investigator (PI), PI title, your recipient institution, project title, project duration/timeline, project cost, project summary, and PI and institution contact addresses.
• Project Summary
The project summary (1700 characters maximum) of the grant application should summarize the project hypothesis, goals, and experimental methods to be employed. Relevance of the project to cancer treatment and cure should be included.
• Experimental Approach or Project Plan (Text only, unformatted, no images, characters or symbols)
Project Plan (maximum 20,000 characters). This section should provide a project introduction, define project principle aims, and define project experimental approaches in text form.
• References
References should be entered using the suggested format in the application.
• Preliminary Results (May include images, .PDF format)
Preliminary results (two page maximum). Experimental results providing data supporting the application should be included. Graphs and pictures may be included in PDF format.
• Personnel
Personnel are known individuals who would be receiving compensation for work toward the project. This page provides space for a brief CV of the PI. Additional pages should be used for coPI’s and research associates.
• Budget
Budget information should include a personnel section detailing salary, fringes, percent effort on this grant, and calculated amounts requested for PI, coPI s and supporting personnel. Supplies and other items should be separately listed. Justification of the budget is also requested. Overhead is limited to 5%. Essential equipment cannot exceed $5000.
• Current and Pending Grants
The list of pending and active grants for the PI/co-PI, and all key personnel (e.g., Research Associate, Consultants, etc.) should include Title, Role, Grantor, grant duration, grant amount, time committed by the PI, and the extent of overlap with this Pardee grant application. Additionally, the original Abstract for each currently funded and pending grant must be provided. Failure to provide this information will result in your application being removed from the review process.
• Other Important Notes
Verification of institution nonprofit status will be requested and must be provided following grant application approval for funding.
Human subjects and experimental animal institutional approvals will be requested and must be provided if applicable, following grant application approval for funding.
If multiple grants with substantial overlap are awarded, the expectation is the PI will accept only one funding source.