HSC Faculty & Staff:
In accordance with NFPA 101 and TAC § 553.62, each building on our campus should conduct at least one fire drill per annum. Due to the pandemic and subsequent shutdown, fire drills have been temporarily waived. As part of HSC’s continuing commitment to the safety and well-being of our community and to remain compliant with the code, Safety will be conducting “virtual” fire drills until such time as we can safely execute traditional drills.
Every month, Safety will highlight one building(s) via email, campus newsletter and Safety’s webpage as our virtual drill candidate. As part of this effort, maps for each floor illustrating important features, such as points of egress, shelter in place areas and evacuation muster points, will be highlighted on HSC’s Fire Safety webpage. The hope is to raise familiarity and awareness of these important features, so in an emergency our community will have the information needed to safely mitigate the situation.
We appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions, please reach out to Safety at safety@unthsc.edu.
Congratulations to CBH, April’s “virtual” fire drill candidate! Please click here and refer to the top of the page for a link to floor maps detailing the fire safety measures for this building.
Environmental Health & Safety