A Code of Culture for UNTHSC

President Michael Williams sent this email to all team members on Feb. 27, 2019:


Some institutions have honor code signing ceremonies for their team members.

It’s a public declaration that says, “This is what I stand for,” and a way to hold yourself and others accountable to a shared standard.

We’re about to make our own public declaration – a digital one.

In early April, we’re launching an online Code of Culture that marries our values and expected behaviors with our institutional policies. It is written in plain language – no legalese.

The “UNTHSC Code of Culture: Our Values in Action” will clearly communicate to ourselves and others what we stand for: shared values that show UNTHSC at our best, with trust as the cornerstone of our success. It spells out how we conduct our business — with a strong sense of ethics and values that focus on service, integrity, respect, collaboration and vision.

Our digital Code of Culture doesn’t replace our policies, but it filters them through the language of our values. Its themes are Be Mindful and Extraordinary Teamwork. It should serve as a high-level resource for when you are stuck and need guidance. The code may not always have the answers you need, but it will point you in the right direction.

The code is also a promise from your leaders. You can trust that we will take all questions and reports of misconduct or potential misconduct seriously. We will take immediate steps and conduct investigations when appropriate. And we will never tolerate retaliation against individuals who raise questions.

Our values differentiate us and are key elements to both our One University vision and our purpose of transforming lives in order to improve the lives of others. I believe they attract high-character individuals who make UNTHSC a leading place to learn and a Best Place for All workplace.

We continuously look for students and team members whose personal values and character are in harmony with our culture. We want to work with, learn from and teach those whom we trust, and who extend trust to others. We want innovators, visionaries and people willing to commit to something bigger than themselves.

My best always,

Dr. Michael R. Williams
UNTHSC President