What is Whole Health?

Empowering people to discover, receive and participate in care for their body, mind, spirit and environment within and through their communities.


whole health circle, financial, community, spiritual, physical, self-care, mental, environment

The seven components of Whole Health


Working with the community, workplace and campus to support initiatives that improve health and wellness for all.


Empowering people to identify their own needs.


Being mindful of each person’s spiritual needs.


Embracing nutrition, fitness, activity and sleep as components of the whole person.


Helping people navigate the complex financial landscape through referrals and advocacy.


Connecting people with the programs and resources they need to maintain a state of well-being.


Providing information and screenings designed to create healthier surroundings at work and at home.

Whj Community V1c


Working with the community, workplace and campus to support initiatives that improve health and wellness for all.

Did you Know?

People with strong social relationships live longer than those who have weaker social connections. People with poor-quality relationships are more likely to develop depression than people with good relationships.

How Can You Strengthen Your Community Connections?

  • Volunteer
  • Join a Club or Sport
  • Participate in a Faith Group
  • Get Involved in your Neighborhood
  • Share your Talents and Skills
  • Mentor a Young Person
  • Visit a Nursing Home
  • Plan a Family Reunion


Whj Spiritual V1c


Being mindful of each person’s spiritual needs.

Did you Know?

More than 1,500 studies link participation in religious and spiritual activities to better physical and mental health.

What Might Help you on Your Spiritual Journey?

  • Visit faith communities to find one that meets your needs and interests
  • Find 10 minutes a day to explore you personal relationship with spirituality
  • Take an educational or skills class about faith, prayer or meditation

Whj Physical V1c


Embracing nutrition, fitness, activity and sleep as components of the whole person.

Did you Know?

A 30-minute walk each day can increase your chances of surviving some chronic diseases and cancers.

You can add years to your life by reducing the time you spend sitting each day for leisure, such as watching TV.

How Much Activity Do I Need?

Learn more from the CDC about the recommended activity levels and ways to move that fit with your life.


Whj Self Care V1c


Empowering people to identify their own needs.

Did you Know?

Stress can cause the cells in your body to age faster. Sleeping at least seven hours a night is crucial for good health.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” way to promote good health. Learning what works for you is more important than following the latest diet and exercise fads.

What Does Self-Care Include?

  • Adopting healthy sleep habits
  • Consuming food and beverages that give your body
  • Taking actions to manage stress in your life
  • Moving more and sitting less
  • Setting goals to improve your health
  • Working with your health and mental health providers to identify a plan that works best for you

Whj Mental V1c


Connecting people with the programs and resources they need to maintain a state of well-being

Did you Know?

Following the pandemic, rates of depression and anxiety have increased 25% across the globe.

Nearly 18% of Texas adults experience mental illness. 17% of youth in Texas are struggling with depression.

What Can You Do To Support Your Mental Health?

Many people suffer in silence, but help is available. Check out the Mental Health Connection Tarrant County website for ideas and access to information and resources.

Whj Enviroment V1c


Providing information and screenings designed to create healthier surroundings at work and at home.

Did you Know?

Asthma is a serious chronic disease. It can be
life-threatening if not properly treated. Pollution, chemicals, dust, mold and fragrances inside and outside can trigger asthma attacks.

In 2022, heat-related deaths in Texas reached the highest levels since 1999.

Neighborhoods with green spaces, such as parks and trees, are linked to better health, especially for low-income groups.

Where Can I Find More Information?


Whj Financial V1c


Helping people navigate the complex financial landscape through referrals and advocacy.

Did you Know?

Financial stress contributes to poor health, low quality of life, violence and poor mental health.

Short-term loans (payday and title loans) may start a cycle that is hard to get out of and are related to poor physical and mental health.

Where You Can You Get Help?

Visit 211 Texas to find resources near you:

  • Financial coaching
  • Employment services
  • Emergency assistance

Find your financial well-being score here.



Be Prepared

Every year, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of the hospital, and most of these are at home. Starting CPR immediately can dramatically increase chances of survival. Learn more about hands-only CPR from the American Heart Association by following the QR code at the bottom of this page.

Prevent Illness

Vaccines are a safe and effective way of preventing
life-threatening diseases. Do you know if you and your family are up to date on your immunizations? Use the vaccine QR codes to find out. One out of every three adults in Texas has pre-diabetes. If you have high blood sugar levels, there are ways to help you reverse your path toward chronic disease. Learn more from the diabetes QR code.

Build Resilience

More than 1 million Texans 65 or older had a fall in 2020, and thousands of these were fatal. Falling once doubles your chance of falling again. Consider enrolling in a Matter of Balance class at Sixty and Better to prevent harm from falls.

Whole Health Resources

Learn more about our Whole Health resources by clicking the button below.