Guillermo Gomez Valubility of the Month Nominee March 2022

Guillermo Gomez – Marketing and Communications

Valubility of the Month March 2022 Nominated by Paula Cobler for Collaboration In two instances this month, Guillermo dropped what he was doing to design beautiful pieces for the UNT System Board of Regents meeting. In the first case, he worked to update the design of HSC's Strategic Plan. It was a complicated project, and…
Valubility of the Month

Rebekah Downing, Guillermo Gomez and Erika Stewart – Marketing and Communications

Nominated by the Academic Communications Team Dana Gill, Steven Bartolotta, Kathryn Lytton, Krista Roberts and Sally Crocker for Collaboration The HSC Graphic Design Team (within Marketing & Communications) is a true asset to HSC. They are incredibly talented, versatile and flexible and approach every project with a focus on collaboration and a commitment to providing…
Paty Cisneros Serrano Valubility of the Month

Paty Cisneros – Serrano – Institutional Integrity and Awareness

Nominated by Dennys Arrieta for Collaboration Paty is a great example of a true collaborator. Every time that I have had a question or concern, she has taken the time to work with me or walk me through the situation until we have a solution. Every project that we have worked on together has been…
Colby Gillette Headshot

Colby Gillette – Human Resources

Nominated by Elizabeth Heyerdahl for Collaboration Colby is a pleasure to work with. He never hesitates to jump right in and collaborate with others in HR and around the university to get the job done. For example, we are currently in the process of onboarding an international guest scholar. Colby has patiently guided me through…

Steven Bartolotta, John Lentz and James Renfro

Steven Bartolotta – Academic Communications John Lentz – Educational Programs, TCOM James Renfro – Student & Academic Affairs Nominated by Felicity White for Collaboration This group deserves Valubility of the Month for their leadership in making a substantial revision and improvement to the annual TCOM Medical Student Performance Evaluation (Dean's Letter) process for the 2022…