The Title IX Office can help connect you with emotional, psychological, academic, medical, and safety support resources. The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators are available to facilitate academic accommodations with faculty and review both on- and off-campus emotional, psychological, medical, and safety resources.
Click here to download a list of community-based resources listed by county.
Below are some of the most commonly requested resources by our community members.
Conversations are kept as private as possible, but knowledge of incidents of sexual misconduct must be shared with the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, in accordance with State Law. Prior to taking any further action, the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will request to meet with the impacted party, or Complainant, and give their wishes thorough consideration.
- Care Team: 817-735-2740;
- UNTHSC Police: 817-735-2600
- Larryisa Thomas, Interim Title IX Coordinator: 972-338-1125, DAL 1, Suite 356, 7300 University Hills Blvd, Dallas, TX 75241,
- Andrew Arvay, Director, Office of Care and Civility (Student Conduct Officer): 817-735-5623,
Conversations are confidential. Confidential on-campus resources are required to share statistics with the Title IX Coordinator, but they will not share personally identifiable information, such as someone’s name.
- Life Works Student Support Program: 866-743-7732
- Student Health: 817-735-5051
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