Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Program Outcomes

TCOM is committed to fostering student achievement in alignment with our mission. Our program measures success through clearly defined criteria, including the three areas below of GME placement of graduates, program completion/retention rate, and student research experience before graduation. Our outcomes are evaluated and updated regularly to ensure continuous improvement.

TCOM is committed to producing primary care physicians for the State of Texas. Tracking the placements of our graduates also contributes to the evaluation of and decisions regarding TCOM curriculum and faculty selection.

Outcome: The percentage of TCOM graduates who enter a primary care residency program will be above the national rate.
Target: A minimum of 62% of graduates will enter a primary care residency.

Primary Care Placement of Graduates

Primary Care Placement of Graduates

National Rate

TCOM is dedicated to our student’s success. Retention data is used to evaluate our admissions, curriculum, and student support programs at the health science center to ensure we are creating avenues for success for our learners while maintaining the appropriate academic rigor required to develop competent osteopathic physicians.

Outcome: TCOM students will complete the (single) DO degree within 6 years.
Target: A minimum of 91.8% of each entering TCOM student cohort will complete the program/graduate within 6 years.
*The data below represents the students who matriculated 6 years prior to the reporting year. Data for 2023 includes students who matriculated in Fall 2017 and 2024 includes students who matriculated in Fall 2018.

Program Completion within 6 years

In support of its mission to promote scientific discovery through mentored research, TCOM will track the number of students who engage in scholarly research prior to graduation.

Outcome: TCOM students will engage in scholarly research before graduation.
Target: A minimum of 58.2% of TCOM students will participate in at least one research experience before graduation.

Percent of students participating in at least one research experience before graduation