Michael Adduci

Dr. Michael Adduci teaches oboe, music theory, ear training and music technology at San José State University and oboe at Santa Clara University. He holds Bachelor’s degrees in biology and music from the University of Idaho, and Master’s and DMA degrees in oboe performance from the University of North Texas where he studied oboe with Dr. Charles Veazey and music and medicine with Dr. Kris Chesky.
In 2014 Michael began performing with the Stanford Woodwind Quintet, becoming the newest member of the group in 2016. He is a member of the Santa Cruz County Symphony, and also performs regularly on a freelance basis with orchestras around the San Francisco Bay Area: Symphony Silicon Valley, Opera San José, the San José Chamber Orchestra, the Monterey Symphony, and many others.
While a doctoral student at UNT, Dr. Adducci sought to characterize intraoral pressures generated during performance of oboe under varying conditions of pitch and loudness. His groundbreaking research sought to characterize the oboe’s sound envelope, the nonlinearity in the relationship between IOP and SPL on the oboe, and the static activation and kinetic maintenance thresholds for reed vibration. This research examined the effect of vibrato on IOP/SPL, the utilization of the vocal tract during execution of dynamic changes and vibrato, and the impact of player experience on control of physical variables.
Adduci, M. Dynamic measurement of intraoral pressure and sound pressure with laryngoscopic characterization during oboe performance. University of North Texas, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2011. 3529206.
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