Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Pediatrics and Women’s Health Newsletter 2022 Spring Edition

May 9, 2022 • Newsletter

Bui From the Desk of Interim Chair–Priya Bui, DO

The Department of Pediatrics and Women’s Health is honored to share our newsletter with each of you today. As many of you must relate, the last months have been a time of finding a new balance and a refreshing return to many norms. We are delighted with another successful match for our Pediatrics and OBGYN students with 21 students matching into pediatrics, 3 child neurology, 2 med peds, 1 medical genetics and 12 future OBGYNS. Seeing the next generation of physicians caring for women and children is especially fulfilling. Earlier this spring, we were also excited to witness another class of PA students graduate many of whom trained within our department.

The halls of the practice are busy with medical students, PA students, dietetic interns and learners now wearing PPE without effort. The adaptation and care displayed by students in caring for women and children is commendable. We are also overjoyed to have another year of Pediatric Research Program students complete their summer work, many with plans of presentations and publications. Mentorship and partnership with Cook Children’s and JPS were vital to this opportunity crossing multiple specialties. The next round of PRP received a record number of applications as the program continues to prove successful. Additionally, we have had pediatricians come together to facilitate Year 1 and 2 pediatric components including simulation experiences and physical exam training for the first time.

Over the past months, collaboration in the department has been very active. Our work has been highlighted with the well- earned honor of our Clerkship Leadership, Dr. Nusrath Habiba and Carolyn Anderson, receiving the Valubility of the Year Award for 2021. With the fast-passing Spring to summer, the department looks forward to connecting with our alumnae through events in conjunction with the 50th anniversary events for TCOM as well as the commencement ceremony later this month.  Congratulations to all 4th year TCOM students nearing such an important milestone!



Amy Raines-Milenkov, DrPH Promoted to Associate Professor!

Dr. Priya Bui, Dr. Nusrath Habiba, Carolyn Anderson Valubility of the Year 2021

Shane Fernando, PhD Newest TCOM Faculty Senator



Team (non-faculty) Members in Spotlight

Carolyn Anderson, Academic Program Specialist

What is your job in 25 words or less?Carolyn

I provide oversight of the medical students throughout the clerkships of Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Pediatrics. This includes managing their schedules, acting as a liaison between the students, the residents and faculty and ensuring completion of final evaluations.

What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?

The part of my job that I love the most is watching young inspiring students work their way through medical school and successfully enter their choice of residency and ultimately their career.

How has the Department or HSC helped in your career development?

HSC has helped my career development throughout the years by taking a personal interest in my job, offering training within and outside of the institution, enhancing collaboration between the various departments that I work with and the people that I work with.

What piece of advice would you give to a new employee?

My advice to a new employee would be, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

What is one accomplishment at work that you are most proud of?

I started my career at John Peter Smith Hospital where I worked with Obstetrics and Gynecology residents and was in charge of the 4th year elective students from many medical schools. I then transferred to HSC in 2006 where I was given the position of the Undergraduate Medical Education Coordinator in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. I did not really know what all that entailed. I did not have anyone to teach me, for example, what a clerkship was. I had only worked with 4th year students. I remember getting a phone call from the 2nd year coordinator at TCOM asking me if I had the Repro 2 course schedule done yet. Again, I had no idea what that was. I would say my biggest accomplishment at HSC is that I self-learned everything I now know about Medical Education.

When you retire what do you hope people will say about you at your retirement party?

I would hope that people would say that I was extremely devoted to the medical students at TCOM and that maybe one day one of those students would tell a story about their medical school experience and how I made a difference in their life somehow.

What is something that makes you unique, that only a few people know about you?

One thing about me that some people know but not many is that I was born in Canada and moved to Texas when I was 10 years old, and it was Lubbock, Texas which back then was a huge culture shock to my Canadian upbringing thus far. I had to learn how to say “y’all” and “fixin to”, and what they actually meant. Now I am a pro.

If you could take a vacation anywhere, where would you go?

My dream vacation would be to take an Alaskan cruise.

Team (faculty) Member in Spotlight

Daniel Park, MD, Assistant ProfessorPark

What is your job in 25 words or less?

I am one of the pediatricians in our outpatient clinic responsible for seeing children and teaching our medical students.

What aspect of your job do you enjoy the most?

Seeing patients is the best! Teaching is an important part of the job but at the end of the day, my passion is taking care of children.

Who is one colleague who deserves praise and recognition? Why?

My medical assistant, Maria Ornelas-Ayala. She puts up with my idiosyncrasies and helps keep my clinic moving smoothly.

Why did you first choose to work for HSC and why do you stay?

I first moved from private practice to FHSC to see a more diverse patient population where I could do more good for the community. I stay because this expectation has been fulfilled, and I have the opportunity to expand my career in new directions.

When you retire, what do you hope people will say about you at your retirement party?

I hope they say I wasn’t THAT ornery.


Tien Tran Supervisor, Clinic Operations


Education: Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Health and Exercise with a concentration in Health Promotion

Hobbies: I’m a professional foodie. Love trying new restaurants around the DFW area

Family Life: Happily engaged. Also, Dog Mama to two Aussiedoodles, Goku and Korra

Something that only a few people know about me: I love to shop at Lowes and Home Depot. I have dreams of being a skilled Home DIYer one day.


Maria Ornelas-Ayala Medical Assistant


Education: Medical Assistant

Hobbies: Gym and Sleep

Family Life: Married and have 3 boys

Something only a few people know about me: My dream job was to be a police officer.




Rosa Amaya Valubility of the month September, 2021 and was nominated for Valubility of the Year.  Also, recently promoted to Family Medicine Clinic Operations Manager!


 Sarina Desai, MPH, OMS-2

  • Won 2nd place at ACOOG’s 89th annual conference this year at the MEFACOOG Poster Competition where she presented her PRP project Implementation of Pediatric Mental Health Calls During COVID-19 and Postnatal Depression Findings Among Mothers
  • Won 2022 HSC Healthcare Delivery Award in RAD with her PRP project Implementation of Pediatric Mental Health Calls During COVID-19 and Postnatal Depression Findings Among Mothers

Naser Asfoor won 2022 TCOM Pediatric Research Award at RAD for A Comparison of Certain Pediatric Vaccination Rates in Fort Worth, TX Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Christoffer Briggs Lambring, PhD student won 1st place in RAD Microgiology, Immunology & Genetics category with his project Targeting Sp1 in Ewing Sarcoma: A multi-approach method for the utilization of Mithramycin


Welcome baby Elias and Averina!!

Elias Lozana Congratulations to Jocelyn and her family

Averina Thein Congratulations to Emelda and her family


       Listen to the latest Poptalk! New Mask Guidance