TCOM Office of Medical Student Success

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Advisory College Program

The Advisory College Program is a mentoring network designed to promote greater interaction between faculty and students at TCOM. Each college serves as a learning community where faculty advisors facilitate curricular and co-curricular activities to develop skills which will aid medical students as future physicians.

As part of the program, medical students are placed into one of six colleges within TCOM where faculty members serve as advisors and mentors. Each college will work with students on activities to promote professionalism, wellness and professional development through College meetings and activities.


Career Development

Match Web 1Welcome to Career Development! This is the centralized portal for all Office of Medical Student Success, Careers in Medicine (CiM) program, AAMC CiM tokens, Match process, and residency-related resources. We want each student to select, apply, and be accepted to the residency program of their choice. We’re here to assist every step of the way!

Our goal is to consolidate everything you need in pursuit of residency training toward becoming a board-certified osteopathic physician. You will find helpful information about the Match process, how to get started on your CV and personal statement, presentations to download and review, a student’s FAQ page, yearly checklists to make sure you’re on the right track, and much more! We will post information about upcoming workshops and speaker events as well, so check back often. Take a moment to bookmark this site; it will become an important reference tool whether you’re a first-year student or just counting the days until graduation! We hope you find the information and resources helpful. If you have suggestions for additional material, contact us.


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Welcome to Enrichment! Our goal is to help celebrate and support the student population and enhance the inclusive educational experiences of all students. Our Enrichment Program seeks to enhance medical students’ understanding of the cultures, heritages, and identities held by themselves, their colleagues, and their patients. We also engage in efforts on institutional and national levels to promote peer mentoring, recruitment and retention, and partnerships that promote inclusion within our student body.

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Meet the TCOM Office of Medical Student Success Team!