Chairman’s Message

Through innovative curricular designs, early clinical experiences, and mentorship, the department is focused on producing highly competent, caring, and compassionate osteopathic physicians, helping to reduce the shortage of primary care physicians in our Texas communities, as well as developing specialty physicians with a solid osteopathically related primary care base of:
Our faculty provides leadership and instruction to undergraduate osteopathic medical students in courses that emphasizes clinical and procedural skills, treatment, problem solving, and basic science integration. The Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM) prides itself on making the Department of Medical Education the keystone to its campus. The educational responsibilities of the department span the delivery of education to TCOM 1st and 2nd year DO students, mandatory 3rd year CORE rotations, statewide GME programs, and CME programs for physicians. Medical City Fort Worth is our educational partner for graduate medical education. Our residency programs are AOA and ACGME approved and sought after by highly qualified candidates.
We aim to provide specialty clinical services at the Patient Care Center on campus. We are a destination clinic for pathology associated with the xiphoid process and have patients traveling from all over the country to seek our services. In addition, we are the only center for gastric pacemaker implantation in the greater Dallas Fort Worth area. We are proud to offer inpatient care for our hospitalized patients at Medical City Fort Worth. The department chair is also the Director of Medical Education and the ACGME Designated Institutional Official at Medical City of Fort Worth with oversight of all postgraduate resident and fellow education.
Our collaborative and translational research program is involved in interdepartmental, interscholastic and interdisciplinary projects. Our collaborative NIH and the Department of Defense funded research is focused on cardiac metabolism, ischemic reperfusion, shock, and biomedical devices. We also have a strong research collaboration via the UNTHSC and the University of Strathclyde Research Consortium. Our strong collaboration with colleagues in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland has led to the development and testing of new medical devices.
The Department also stresses the importance of giving back to their communities in Texas as well as nationally, with local state and national leaders. Again, thank you for visiting our website and feel free to contact me at my e-mail address with any comments or questions you may have.
Albert H. Yurvati, DO, PhD
DSWOP Professor and Chair
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