Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

Faculty Advisors Meeting

Hello Faculty Advisors!

Our next Faculty Advisors meeting is this Friday, October 6th in MET 109-111.  We will have lunch set up at 11:30 AM with meeting from 12-1 PM.

We will be reviewing the Student Satisfaction Survey.  Please RSVP for lunch headcount from Olive Garden.  We will also provide a Zoom link.

Faculty Advisors Meeting RSVP


See you there!


Julie Schwartz | Executive Assistant
Preferred pronouns: she/her/hers
Office of Medical Student Success
TCOM Educational Programs
p: 817.735.2027
c: 817.948.4482
Email: Julie.schwartz@unthsc.edu

Link to schedule appointment:


Our Values

Courageous Integrity|Be Curious|We Care|Better Together|Show Your Fire

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