Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Category: Newsletter
December 15, 2023 • Newsletter
From the Desk of Chair--Priya Bui, DO The Department of Pediatrics and Women’s Health is honored to share our newsletter with each of you today. As many of you must relate, the last months have been a time of finding a new balance and a refreshing return to many norms. We are delighted with another…
March 9, 2023 • Newsletter
From the desk of the Chair- Priya Bui, DO The last edition of this newsletter found us hoping for colder weather. We’ll chalk the beginning of February up to “be careful what you wish for.” Now that the ice has passed, we are impatiently awaiting the beautiful spring weather that is to come. I’m excited…
May 9, 2022 • Newsletter
From the Desk of Interim Chair--Priya Bui, DO The Department of Pediatrics and Women’s Health is honored to share our newsletter with each of you today. As many of you must relate, the last months have been a time of finding a new balance and a refreshing return to many norms. We are delighted with…

December 16, 2019 • Newsletter, TCOM Talk, Uncategorized
Download a PDF version here. (more…)

September 17, 2019 • Newsletter, TCOM Talk
Research shows TCOM and the osteopathic approach is making a difference. Dr. Ross and Dr. Severance were honored for their work in Geriatric Education and the world’s first Performing Arts Medicine Fellowship began at TCOM. Read about that and more in the latest version of TCOM Talk. Download a PDF version of this month's newsletter.…
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