Social Security Number (SSN)


What is a Social Security number?

A Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique nine-digit identification number assigned to individuals by the U.S. government for tax and other purposes. The primary purpose of an SSN is to track an individual’s earnings and their contributions to the Social Security system, which is a federal program.

In addition to its use in the Social Security system, an SSN is required for employment, and often for banking and credit purposes. Many government agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), also use SSNs as a means of identifying individuals for tax reporting purposes.

What is a Social Security card?

On the card is a unique 9-digit Social Security Number (SSN) issued by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA). The card (and your SSN) will be necessary to work in the U.S. and to file taxes. A social security card is NOT a work permit. A social security number is not needed for you to start working, but it is needed for you to continue working, provided you have work authorization. Once you start employment, you will need to submit a copy of the Social Security Number Card to HR within 90 days of starting employment.


Example SS card:

example social security card image


Who is eligible to apply for a Social Security number?

Only students or scholars in active immigration status. If your SEVIS record is not “active”, the Social Security Administration will not be able to verify your status.

In order to apply for a social security number (SSN), F-1 students must provide proof of employment to the Social Security Administration. F-1 students must show authorization to work if granted On-Campus Employment, Curricular Practical Training, Optional Practical Training, or Economic Hardship.

IMPORTANT:  Newly arrived F-1 and J-1 students must wait until they have entered the U.S., enrolled in classes at HSC, and completed the F1 Check In Process before applying for an SSN. ISO cannot update your SEVIS record to “active” until after you have both enrolled in classes AND completed the required immigration check-in with ISO.


How to Apply for Social Security Number:

Step 1 - Job Offer Letter

Receive a job offer letter from your employer. (ISO may provide a sample letter for your employer if needed.)

Step 2 - SSN Letter Request from ISO

Request an SSN letter via INorthTx from ISO verifying your F-1 status. The link to the form can be found here.

Step 3 - Social Security Application

Complete the Social Security Application. You can find the application here. You can start the application online, but will need to complete the process in-person with the Social Security Administration Office. Social Security Office Locator: here.

BE SURE TO TAKE ALL OF THE ITEMS LISTED BELOW (you must take originals and the representative will make copies):

1. Job offer letter from employer

2.Letter from ISO verifying status and employment eligibility 

3. Passport

4. I-94 (you can print a copy by clicking here)

5. Signed I-20

**Please be aware it may take up to 2-3 hours to speak with a representative, so make sure you have time to wait. An appointment is recommended, but walk-ins are accepted at the Fort Worth location.**

Step 4 - Timeline to Receive SSN

You should receive your card in the mail approximately 2-3 weeks after you apply.

A delay in receiving a Social Security Number (SSN) for an international student could be caused by several factors, including: issues with document verification, applying too early before the start of employment, incorrect information on the application, problems with the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) system, or the need for additional verification with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding their immigration statusessentially, any situation where the Social Security Administration (SSA) needs to further investigate the student’s eligibility before issuing an SSN. 

Key points about potential delays for international students:
  • Not having proper documentation:

    Missing required documents like a passport, I-20 form, or employment authorization document can cause delays. 

  • Applying before work authorization starts:

    Applying for an SSN before your on-campus job or CPT begins can result in rejection as you may not be eligible yet. 

  • Discrepancies in information:

    Mistakes on the application form, such as incorrect name or date of birth, could lead to delays while the SSA verifies details. 

  • Verification with DHS:

    The SSA may need to cross-check your immigration status with the DHS through the SAVE system, which could take additional time. 

  • Complex immigration status:

    Some visa categories may require additional scrutiny during the SSN application process. 

  • Incomplete application:

    Failing to provide all necessary information or signatures on the application can delay processing. 

What to do if you experience a delay:
  • Contact the Social Security Administration:

    Reach out to your local SSA office to inquire about the status of your application and address any concerns. 

  • Check with your university’s International Services  Office:

    We can provide guidance on navigating the SSN application process and assist with any issues. 

  • Ensure all documents are accurate and complete:
    Double-check your application to make sure all information is correct before submitting. 


Keep your Social Security Number Secure

Your SSN is sensitive, personal identification information. It is important to keep it safe and out of the hands of scammers who wish to use it to utilize your identity or credit history.

Tips to keep your SSN secure:

  • Do not carry your Social Security card with you unless you need it for a specific purpose.
  • Memorize your SSN for times you will need it.
  • Do not type or write your SSN in the body of an email or text message.
  • Do not send your SSN or image of your Social Security Card as an email attachment.


SSN card Received:

If you are working on campus at HSC, once you receive the Social Security Card, you must present the SSN card in person to HSC Campus HR. Keep in mind, that you have 90 days from your hire date to apply, receive, and submit your Social Security card. Failure to do so could result in loss of employment.