Student Learning Outcomes

In order to develop professionals of the future who can successfully care for themselves as well as others, the QEP Planning Committee developed three Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) designed to enhance HSC student wellbeing. In developing the SLOs, knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to wellbeing in graduates were paramount. These include high emotional intelligence and resilience skills needed to enter today’s challenging healthcare work environment. The outcomes were developed to include multiple professional disciplines (medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, and physician assistant studies) as well as graduate programs in biomedical sciences and public health.

1. Students will identify concepts associated with wellbeing, emotional intelligence, and resilience.

Activities developed to achieve SLO1 address students’ knowledge of wellbeing, emotional intelligence, resiliency, and burnout. An online, interactive, educational module introduces students to these concepts and provides information on existing, integrated student success and wellbeing resources throughout the HSC campus.

2. Students will create a stress management growth plan as part of the emotional intelligence pathway program.

Students take the EQ-i 2.0, an assessment of emotional intelligence. Faculty leaders guide students into development of their individualized growth plan by using their EQ-i 2.0 results. The three EI skills associated with stress management (flexibility, stress tolerance, and optimism) are targeted in each student’s stress management growth plan. This guided development educates students on the domains and subdomains included in the EQ-i 2.0 as well as how to apply these constructs to their personal wellbeing and individualized growth plan.

3. Students will develop capacities for resilience to support their success in school and future professions.

SLO 3 builds on each student’s personalized stress management growth plan. SLO3 develops each students’ understanding and engagement in activities and behaviors that promote resilience. A train-the-trainer program is utilized to prepare selected faculty and staff in each program and school to teach students about resilience and its relationship to overall wellbeing. All students participate in an introductory session that includes four key modules. Subsequently, students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs and activities to practice the new skills. Based on these skill practice sessions, students develop a toolkit of resilience and wellbeing skills that will support them throughout their time as a student and into their professional work. Learn more about our wellbeing model here.