Career Readiness FAQs
How were the six Career Readiness Skills determined?
Inspired by employment forecasting provided by agencies such the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Texas Workforce Commission, and the National Association of Colleges and Employers, representatives from each UNTHSC college and school, along with other stakeholders such as Division of Student Affairs, Office of Organizational Excellence, and Alumni Relations identified and recommended these for institutional adoption.
How will I be able to acquire and refine these skills?
- Through your prescribed coursework curriculum, as well as co-curricular and extracurricular activities designated throughout the institution.
- Graduate or professional level digital badge pathways will lead to microcredentials. These pathways serve as milestones that are specifically recognized by certain industries to highlight competencies earned. The pathways serve as an introduction or entry point to a degree program, a stand-alone credential or complementary to a degree program.
What is Microcredentialing?
Micro-credentials verify, validate, and attest that specific skills and/or competencies have been achieved. They differ from traditional degrees and certificates in that they are generally offered in shorter or more flexible timespans and tend to be more narrowly focused.
- Your microcredential repository, this free online tool is available to all students for building an impressive online portfolio, known as a “Folio,” showcasing your learning achievements. Even after you graduate from UNTHSC, your Folio follows you so you can add new wins and experiences, including new microcredentials, as you complete internships and volunteer work, acquire new skills, and land jobs. You will also be able to connect and network with other Folio users. Once validated by the issuing authority, microcredentials can be shared across networking/social media platforms such as LinkedIn, and included on a CV or resume. For more information:
How does this tie into the institutional Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)?
The University’s Quality Enhancement Plan reflects and affirms our ongoing commitment to enhancing overall institutional quality and effectiveness by focusing on improving our students’ learning outcomes and success. With significant input from our students and other stakeholders across the institution, we identified a critical need to focus our QEP on student “wellbeing” including key areas such as stress management, resiliency and emotional intelligence. The theme for the QEP is “Be Well.” For more information go to
Where can I go for additional Career Readiness resources and Information?
- For services and resources pertaining to your career development, please visit the Career Readiness Center in the Division of Student Affairs at | | (817) 735-5020 | SSC, Suite 200
- To get involved in co-curricular activities, including student organizations and governments, leadership, and other experiential learning and development opportunities, visit Student Development (Student Affairs) at | | (817) 735-5006 | SSC 204
- Student Coaching program: For additional personal and professional development outside of other existing advising and student services, student can be paired with a trained faculty or staff Coach. For more information, visit or contact the Career Readiness Center.
Other Helpful Resources
- National Association of Colleges and Employers: Career Readiness
- Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board: Career Readiness Handbook
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