Research Café

The HSC Research Café offers workshops, classes and seminars in subjects that are crucial to an academic research career, including Research Resources, Grant Writing, Publishing Your Research and Identifying Funding Sources for your research.  We invite you to talk with us and participate in our Research Café Workshops.​​


Recent workshop:

January 2025 Research Cafe
Hosted by Dr. Paula Gregory
Topic: “Effort Certification for Sponsored Projects: Ensuring Compliance and Accountability”



Visit our YouTube Playlist for previously recorded workshops.

Other workshops

Research Resources

This session is designed to help you learn about the major research resources available to faculty at UNTHSC.  You will be able to walk away with a better understanding of how to utilize the resources and where to get started. Those resources include the School of Medicine Office of Research which provides internal grant funding, mentoring programs for junior faculty, pre-submission grant review service, coordinates the various research cores.  The Office of Research Services oversees grants and contracts processing, IRB and IACUC review and research compliance.

Proposal Development

This workshop is designed as an introduction to grant writing for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty who have little or no experience writing a peer-reviewed grant application. This workshop is designed to help participants strategize for and prepare effective grant proposals, and includes strategies for determining the best funding mechanism, identifying currently funded grants, setting a realistic timeline for writing an application.

Specific Aims

The Specific Aims workshop is offered to those who are actively developing grant applications. Applicants will be asked to submit an NIH-formatted Biosketch and a draft version of their Specific Aims page. These drafts will be distributed for review and critique. Workshop participants will present their Aims (3 slides) and then discuss with the review panel changes to wording and experimental design.  This workshop provides attendees with valuable feedback prior to submission to the NIH. Everyone is welcome to attend. Registration required for participants.

Success with Intramural Funding (panel)

The Research Advisory Committee and the President’s Research Council have created three institution grant mechanisms to provide support for faculty research: (1) Bridge Grants, (2) Early Stage Investigator Awards, and (3) Team Science awards. Dr. Backes will provide an overview of the successful application process. A panel of faculty who have successfully applied for intramural funding, both basic and clinical projects, will discuss how best to navigate the internal funding system.  Panelists will also discuss any issues with their applications and how to avoid them.

Mock Study Section

This Mock Study Section will simulate an NIH Review Panel in every detail possible.  Participants can submit their grant draft for pre-submission review.  They will be reviewed,  discussed and scored.