Research and Innovation
Category: Focusing on Research
February 8, 2019 • Focusing on Research
Research Development & Commercialization · Resources to find funding opportunities. Currently all UNTHSC community has access to a grant search engine Pivot. This engine is relocating from their current url to . Please update your bookmarks. If you are not using Pivot, and would like training on it, please contact Moreover, Office of Research Development…
September 18, 2018 • Focusing on Research
Dr. Williams emphasized to all of us at the latest Town Hall, Research makes the University better and Fort Worth stronger! Our faculty, students and staff drive research in our areas of strength and beyond. In such, we are making a measurable impact in our community, the state, the nation and the world. Thank you…
June 13, 2018 • Focusing on Research
In Spring 2018, I embarked on a Campus-wide ‘Listening Tour’ to gather input from our faculty. Staff and students are also key stakeholders in our unified research success! I would thus request all of you to complete the START-STOP-IMPROVE Survey to help UNTHSC realize the SEE_2020, One University vision. I will share the compiled input in…
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