Registrar and Student Records

Helpful Definitions

Alternative Credentials

    • Non-traditional (non-degree) credentials offered by institutions of higher education may include a myriad of credit alternatives including MOOCs, micro-credentialing (badges), credit or non-credit bearing certificate programs and various other opportunities.


    • Certificates are academic programs (undergraduate, graduate, or professional levels) based on a free-standing body of knowledge, often interdisciplinary in nature. They typically have a minimum number of credits, and are smaller than major programs. Completed certificates are recorded in student records and displayed on transcripts.

Comprehensive Learner Record

    • Official document that seeks to capture, record, and communicate learning when and where it happens in a student’s higher education experience. This includes learning outcomes from courses, program and degrees, as well as experience they have outside the classroom that help develop their career ready skills and abilities.


    • Courses or other learning experiences resulting in a learner earning academic credit which displays on an academic transcript upon completion

HSC Student:

    • Individual who has applied for admission or readmission to HSC, who is registered or enrolled in one or more courses for-credit, or who currently is not enrolled but has a continuing academic relationship with HSC.


    • Courses or other learning experiences that do not result in a learning earning academic credit, and which do not typically appear on an academic transcript, but which may be recognized through other means (i.e. residency programs).


    • A competency or skills based recognition that allows a learner to demonstrate mastery and learning in a particular area