Task Force On Graduate Education & Research Committee Members

Tom Cunningham – Chair

Clarissa Van Proyen – Administrative Support

Robert Barber – TCOM

Michael Furtado – CHP- PT

Harlan Jones – CBTS

Denise Inman – SCP

Dorota Stankowska – CBTS

Emily Spence – CPH

Melissa Petersen – TCOM

Eun Young Mun – CPH

Tonychris Nnaka – CON

Task Force on Graduate Education & Research Charge - Recommendations Due November 22nd

  1. Use the Graduate College Conceptual Model referenced in the Task Force on Graduate Education August 2023 Report to produce the following:
    1. A recommended definition of a college versus school versus department
    2. Essential features or characteristics of a Graduate College to set itself apart from competitors (e.g., research-intensive degrees, interdisciplinary programs)
    3. An inventory of HSC-sponsored programs categorized across the NIH research spectrum (T0 – T4).
    4. A prioritized list of research master’s and/or doctoral degrees (existing and/or proposed) that best align with HSC research strengths and career outlook.
    5. An organizational framework within a Graduate College to house research degrees so they are visible to prospective students and external partners.
    6. Milestones and metrics to track student and program performance.
  2. Recommend integrated Graduate College-level services, support, and/or responsibilities to best support student and research endeavors. This should include:
    1. Student success
    2. Faculty success
    3. Internship coordination
    4. Shared courses and/or curricula
    5. Core curriculum/competencies for all graduate students
    6. Advanced techniques and/or experiences for graduate students
    7. Resources required to facilitate the integration of Institutes and Programs
  3. Recommend a unified Graduate Council (or similarly named body) governance model and associated member composition, responsibilities, and guidelines.
    1. Student Recruitment and admissions
    2. Academic standards and progress milestones
    3. Student funding and stipends