Office of the Provost
Tag: Office of the Provost
September 30, 2020 • Office of the Provost Academic Update, Office of the Provost,
Fall is in the air! Just as seasons change, we change as well. I am so amazed with the resilience and adaptability of our students, faculty, and staff in response to the current reality of campus life during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m reminded of a quote from Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus…
June 12, 2020 • Faculty, Office of the Provost, Staff College of Biomedical and Translational Sciences, College of Health Professions, College of Public Health, Health Science Center, Office of the Provost, System College of Pharmacy, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine,
Our HSC community stands united to condemn the systemic racism and violence that led to the senseless deaths of George Floyd, of Ahmaud Arbery, of Breonna Taylor and so many others before them. As shared by President Williams earlier this week, we should be guided by our values of Serve Others First, Integrity, Respect, Collaboration,…
January 27, 2020 • Office of the Provost Academic Innovation, Beeson, Health Science Center, Office of the Provost,
I’m pleased to share Dr. Jeff Beeson is moving to a new role within the Health Science Center, Vice Provost for Academic Partnerships & Initiatives effective February 1, 2020. (more…)
January 17, 2020 • Office of the Provost, Staff Academic Innovation, Office of the Provost, Rangel,
I’m pleased to share Jessica Rangel has been promoted to Vice Provost for Academic Innovation. (more…)
November 12, 2019 • Office of the Provost Academic Engagement and Communications, Office of the Provost, Student Affairs,
As many of you are aware, we have initiated the Institutional reaccreditation process with SACSCOC (The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges) and their on-site visit is scheduled for the end of March. (more…)
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