Alternative Transportation
From commuters driving to work or class to the campus fleet, transportation is a major part of HSC’s operations and effect on the local community. We aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from how we commute to campus by encouraging eco-friendly transportation.
Public Transportation & Discounted Passes
Bus – Route 2
Trinity Metro’s Route 2 Bus provides service along our campus, and it runs every 15 minutes during the weekdays. See the full schedule here. Some commuters come in from other bus routes or the TRE (train between Fort Worth and Dallas) or the new TEXRail then transfer to the Route 2 bus in order to travel to campus.
Route 63/64
Need to travel from Denton to Fort Worth or vice versa? There is now an express bus service with Route 64. If you ride from Denton, transfer to Route 2 at the Intermodal Transportation Center (ITC) in order to get to HSC.
2025 Subsidized Annual Bus and Train Passes
What are subsidized transit passes?
Each calendar year, Trinity Metro offers HSC employees and students 25% off discounts on monthly and annual passes (referred to at the EASYRIDE or E-pass program). HSC Sustainability, with approval from the Sustainability Committee, subsidizes the cost for both employees and students. Students receive the greatest discounts. We subsidize annual passes only. However, students and employees can still purchase 1 day (local only), 7 day (local only), and monthly passes at a 25% off discount (contact us to learn how to buy discounted monthly passes).
What Types of E-Passes are Sold?
There are two types of passes:
- Local – Valid on Trinity Metro Buses, Trinity Railway Expressway (TRE Train) from T&P Station (Fort Worth) to Centerport Station, and TEXRail.
- Regional – Valid on all services in Tarrant, Denton, and Dallas Counties (includes all rail services).
The cost depends on when you purchase your pass and if you are an employee or student. Here is the summary:
For Students:
Before June 1, 2025 | $150 | $350 |
After June 1, 2025 | $100 | $300 |
For Employees:
Before June 1, 2025 | $250 | $600 |
After June 1, 2025 | $200 | $550 |
Purchase a Pass
Employees and students can now purchase subsidized passes throughout the year. Pre-pay by check (payable to UNTHSC) or cash at Facilities at 901 Clifton St. (please email when you plan to stop by as we’re not always in the office), and please allow up to 3 business days to get your pass after you’ve paid as we do not always have passes in stock. You’ll be notified by email when your pass is ready to be picked up. Email with questions about purchasing a pass.
Benefits of an E-Pass:
- Cost savings
- Reduction on car wear and tear
- Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Program – $5 taxi in case of emergencies or unplanned overtime
- Parking relief (for you and HSC)
- Reduced traffic congestion and air pollution
- Less stress, greater productivity
- Unlimited pass
More Information (schedules, maps, etc.):
- Fort Worth – Trinity Metro or call 817-215-8600
- Dallas – DART or call 214-747-RIDE
- Denton – DCTA
- Trinity Railway Express – TRE
- TEXRail –
Fort Worth Bike Share - Temporary Service Interruption
Fort Worth Bike Share
FORT WORTH BIKE SHARE IS TEMPORARILY OUT OF SERVICE WHILE THEY UPGRADE BIKES AND STATIONS (as of November 2024). The system should be back online in January 2025. More details coming soon.
Fort Worth Bike Share is a city-wide network of bike stations that provide affordable, healthy, and eco-friendly transportation around the city. There are over 45 stations around Forth Worth, and the system includes some electric bikes.
How does it work?
Step 1: Purchase a membership (day, week, month, or year). HSC employees and students get a FREE annual membership (see details below).
Step 2: Check out a bike at any station.
Step 3: Ride the bike to your destination.
Step 4: Return the bike to any station.
Learn More
The HSC bike station is located in front of the library on Montgomery St. HSC students and employees receive a FREE annual membership. Students should use promo code “untstudent” and employees should use promo code “hscemployee”. You must use your HSC email when registering. Learn more details and register at: Also, download the bcycle app to access your account information, see stations near you, and more.
Electric Vehicle Charging at HSC
To provide more services to team members as well as promote sustainability, HSC provides level 2 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on campus as funded through HSC Sustainability.
Location & Parking:
Stations are located in Lot 19 and the West Parking Garage (near the Clifton St. entrance). See the campus map (click on “Parking” then “EV Spaces Available”). Designated EV parking is reserved for charging. Vehicles must be actively charging to park in the designated spots, and there is a 4 hour limit. Each area has one parking space that is reserved for EV charging until 10am (these spaces give the user the benefit of not having to move the car after charging). If stations are full in a particular lot/garage, call HSC Police at 817-735-2210 to get access to charge in the other area. EVs must adhere to university parking policies and procedures and display the appropriate parking permit. See the Police Department’s Parking Office’s website for more details about parking permits.
EV Charging Rates:
The rate to charge on campus is $0.35/hour for the first 4 hours then $2.00/hour after 4 hours (rates are prorated) with a maximum daily rate of $10.00. Users must have an active account through ChargePoint in order to use the stations. To get started, go to and click on the Sign Up” button.
EV Charging Etiquette:
Please practice our values of Serving Others First, Integrity, and Collaboration when utilizing the charge stations on campus by following these simple guidelines (adapted from
- Charge Up, Move On: As the demand for charging increases on campus, we all must work together to ensure charging availability for all. We understand that you may not be able to move immediately after your car is finished charging, but simply ask that you be considerate of other drivers and move your car in a timely manner when you are able. The pricing is structured in a way to incentive drivers to stay plugged in 4 hours or less, and we have provided a “Reserved until 10am” parking spot for people unable to move their car mid-day. If you are able to move your car mid-day, please park in the 4 hour limit spaces to allow other drivers use of the “Reserved until 10am” space. In addition, you may park in an open parking space next to the reserved spaces as the cords will reach many spaces.
- EV Parking for EV Charging Only: Both “Reserved 24/7” spaces and one “Reserved until 10am” space are available to ensure that parking is available at the charge stations. If you notice a non-EV vehicle in a reserved space, please notify campus police at 817-735-2210. In addition, these spots are for charging only, but please note, an EV vehicle may be in that parking spot because it’s on the charging waiting list.
- When It’s OK to Unplug: If a car is fully charged (as indicated on the charging station), you may unplug that vehicle in order to utilize the station. If you do unplug a vehicle, please consider leaving a note explaining that they were fully charged and that you are grateful for the collaboration. They may thank you back considering they are not being charged the fee after being unplugged!
- When It’s NOT OK to Unplug: Please do not unplug any vehicle that is not fully charged. If you are in need of a charge, please get on the waiting list or visit another station. There is a DC Fast Charge at the Walgreens on Camp Bowie which charges faster than our Level II stations.
- Be Considerate & Practice Safety: Please be considerate of other drivers as you park, use the stations, and leave the stations. In addition to the guidelines above, leave the cords and station orderly and as good or better than you found it by properly managing the cord so as people do not trip on it or drive over it.
- Make Charging Better: If you have any suggestions, comments, or issues, please contact HSC Sustainability/Facilities ( or 817-735-2451). We strive to make this a positive (and sustainable) experience for everyone both now and in the future.
We are continually looking to improve the program and welcome feedback and suggestions. Call 817-735-2451 or email Station Customer Service can be reached at 1-888-758-4389.
Carpool & HSC Rideshare (Matching System)
Interested in riding to campus with other people? You could enjoy the benefits of cost savings, stress reduction, reducing fossil fuel consumption and traffic congestion, and helping to improve our air quality!
Matching System is a program by the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) that provides a matching service for carpooling and vanpooling. It also measures the benefits of trip reduction strategies such as carpooling against single occupant vehicle transportation. Click on the button below to get started. Register under “UNT Health Science Center” to find your matches and start enjoying the benefits of carpooling/vanpooling. It’s a quick and easy process!
A vanpool is a group of people who share the costs of getting to work or campus using a van owned by the area’s transit authority. To learn more about our area’s vanpool options or to learn how you can be a part of one, click on the links below or contact us to learn more.
Denton County – Vanpool (these vanpools can commute to Fort Worth as long as they originate in Denton County)
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