FAQs on UNTHSC Training
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After rolling out the annual training last year we received some frequently asked questions. We hope that the answers below will clarify any confusion and make your training process smoother.
1. Why are the Medicare Compliance and Medicare Parts C & D Compliance courses listed in my assigned courses?
The Medicare Compliance and Medicare Parts C & D courses are listed in WeComply for all faculty and staff because there is currently no way to specify within the training system who is required to take a specific course. We have updated the specifications to be more clear. If you do not fall within the below specifications you do not have to take the training. The training course will remain in your assignments, but it will not be counted against you and you will still be identified as completing the mandatory annual training.
- all UNTHealth credentialed providers regardless of practice site
- all UNTHealth non-provider staff members who document in a medical record and
- all staff members who are involved in coding, billing, patient registration and other administrative services for UNTHealth
2. Who is required to take the HIPAA Privacy and Security Training?
All of UNTHSC is a Covered Entity under HIPAA, therefore all faculty, staff, students, and contract workers are required to take the HIPAA Privacy and Security training even if they do not have contact with patient Protected Health Information (“PHI”). Most employees and students will have access to PHI as part of their everyday activities, and due to the nature of the work we do, there is always a possibility that any employee, student or contract worker could come into contact with PHI.
3. I have already completed a course. Do I have to retake it?
Most of UNTHSC’s courses are required annually. However, if you were recently hired on and completed a course or just got an early start on the training, you do not have to retake the course if completed within the previous six month period.
4. What courses am I required to take?
Courses are based on your relationship with the institution (Faculty/Staff, Student, Contract worker). The training landing page at unthsc.edu/training will direct you to your required training based on your status (Faculty/Staff, Student, Contract worker). You are required to take all courses listed on your training page unless otherwise noted.
5. I am only able to see some of the courses listed when I login. Where are the other courses?
The courses are housed on two separate sites, WeComply and Compliance. Please refer back to the training landing page at unthsc.edu/training and select the specific course desired to be directed to the correct page.
· We have more work to do before we can place all training in one platform, but our goal is to make the training process as user-friendly as possible.
6. Are students required to take training?
Yes, please visit unthsc.edu/training for a list of all required student training.
7. I am a remote employee of UNTHSC, do I still have to take the training?
Yes, the training is required regardless of your location.
8. Which courses are required annually and how will I know when to take them?
A current list of annual training is below. You will receive an email notification from the compliance office announcing the annual training along with the deadline to complete the training.
- HIPAA Privacy and Security
- Ethics and Compliance Essentials
- Reporting Child Abuse on Campus
- Workplace Safety
- Continuity of Operations Awareness
- Information Security
- Title IX Discrimination and Harassment
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
- Medicare Compliance
- Medicare Parts C & D Compliance
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