Campus Training Opportunities

There are many training opportunities available across the Health Science Center campus.

Several of these training modules must be completed on an annual basis. You will be notified by the department that requires the specific training when you are due to complete the training. Some of these training modules are automated and will send you an email notification on your expiration date or annual roll out date.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any question or if you need contact information for any of the training modules listed below.

Code of Ethics/Standard of Conduct Training

Code of Ethics Link


Responsible Party: Institutional Compliance – Heather Hardgrove – 817-735-0272
HIPAA Privacy Training (New Employee Only)

HIPAA Privacy Training


EEO Training:
EEO Training
Responsible Party: EEO Office – Dana Perdue – 817-735-2690
Safety Training:
General Safety Training
Responsible Party: Safety Office – Matt Moncus – 817-735-2697
Biosafety Training:
Biosafety Training
Responsible Party: Biosafety Office – Maya Nair – 817-735-5431
Campus Crime Report:
Responsible Party: Campus Police – 817-735-2600