COI Disclosure Training

Quickly learn how to complete your eDisclosure in CoreStream COI System

Research Admin

Regular updates regarding RCOI training and RCOI’s Annual Disclosure Statement provided by Research Compliance.

Visit Research Admin

How to Access CoreStream

This resource offers navigational guidance to accessing and completing HSC’s COI eDisclosure Form.

How to Access CoreStream


What is conflict of interest?

A conflict of interest is a situation in which a personal interest may compromise or bias an employee’s professional judgment and objectivity when performing research or making decisions on behalf of the university. Every year, employees must complete training and disclosure on this website, either confirming that you do not have any personal interests that require disclosure or declaring any personal interests you do have.

It’s important that we work together to discuss and resolve conflicts of interest and potential conflicts. Oftentimes, when an individual discloses a potential conflict, there are ways we can collaborate to ensure we address the conflict in a way that protects both parties.

COI examples

Not sure what to disclose? Review detailed tips on activities/relationships that should be disclosed when completing HSC’s COI eDisclosure Form.

See examples

Contact us

For more information and guidance about HSC’s conflict of interest rules, contact:

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