Background Checks

To ensure that children and teens are supported by qualified adults in a safe and secure environment, all program faculty, staff, students, and volunteers are required to complete a background check.  The background checks must be conducted within 12 months prior to the first day of the Program or Activity, and the results must be reviewed by the Office of Human Resources before the beginning of the Program or Activity. If an individual has not completed a background check in the last 12 months, one must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources four weeks prior to the Program or Activity.

No Individual may participate in a Program or Activity if the background check includes a conviction or deferred adjudication for those offenses listed in Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code, Rule §265.12(g).

**The Sponsoring Department is responsible for the cost of the background checks, $38.50 per individual. A list of individuals participating in the Program or Activity must be submitted when completing your Registration Form. The Institutional Integrity and Awareness Office will confirm if a background check has been completed, if not the below form will need to be submitted four weeks prior to the start of the Program or Activity.

When is a background check required?

·   Any program or activity that is four days or longer and has 20 or more minors,

·   Any program or activity that requires close interaction with the minor. (i.e. a skills lab)

·   There are many variables of when a background check may be required. Please check with the Office of Institutional Integrity and Awareness to confirm whether or not a background check is needed for your Program or Activity. Email at  or call 817-735-2029

Background Check Form