Regents Professor

Regents Professor recognizes excellence in the faculty member’s field of study and outstanding contributions in teaching, scholarship and service. The department chair will make nominations to the appropriate promotion and tenure committee.  The committee will conduct its review utilizing the promotion/tenure criteria for full professors within that school/college and submit their recommendation to the appropriate Dean. The Dean will review the materials and forward a recommendation to the Provost. The Provost will forward a recommendation to the President for recommendation to the UNT System Board of Regents for approval. Only the Board of Regents may award the designation of Regents Professor. Regents applications use the Promotion and Tenure timeline.

Forms available on Connect- HSC Office of Faculty Affairs (UNT Systems credentials are needed)

Regents Checklist


Policy 6.104 – Faculty Appointment, Reappointment and Probationary Period

Procedure 6.004– Faculty Appointment, Reappointment and Probationary Period