Annual Faculty Promotion and Tenure

The Annual Promotion and Tenure Review Process is initiated by the Provost in late summer before the beginning of the fiscal year. Deans and Department Chairs receive notification with the process instructions and Promotion and Tenure Process Timeline which is to be followed.

After all internal discussions between Faculty and their Department Chair have occurred, names of all candidates for promotion and/or tenure must be submitted to the Chairperson of the appropriate P&T Committee by the Departmental Chair August 1 – 14. Please copy Deliz Olivo, Faculty Affairs, when faculty names are submitted to the Chairperson.

Applications Submissions

6.107 Faculty Tenure and Promotion

Procedure 6.007 – Faculty Tenure and Promotion Review – Including the P&T Rubrics documents found in the Appendix 

Promotion and Tenure Process Timeline

Annual Promotion and Tenure Packet Checklist

Criteria for Promotion and Tenure

CV Format