Adjunct Faculty Appointments
With the revisions to the Faculty Bylaws, effective 9/1/2009, Adjunct Faculty are no longer required to go through the P&T Process for an appointment. The requesting department chair should request appointments through the Office of Faculty Affairs for approval from the Dean and Provost.
In addition, effective 4/26/2010, the Quality and Credentialing Office will no longer be responsible for adjunct clinical credentialing. The clinical departments are now responsible for gathering credentialing information and submitting the packet directly to the Office of Faculty Affairs.
Note: If adjunct faculty are being paid, a position must be posted and an HR Adjunct Approval notification received.
The Adjunct Appointments “At A Glance” is provided to assist you in getting started with the process.
Forms available on Connect- HSC Office of Faculty Affairs (UNT Systems credentials are needed)
- “At a Glance”
- Adjunct Clinical Appointment
- Adjunct Non-Clinical Appointment
- Adjunct Reappointment
Social media