Don’t miss Research Appreciation Day March 28
FBI scientist to speak at Research Appreciation Day
Dr. Bruce Budowle, senior scientist for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Washington, D.C., is the featured luncheon speaker for the Health Science Center’s 2008 Research Appreciation Day (RAD) on March 28 in the Center for BioHealth. Budowle will speak about the "Forensic Challenges to the Bioterrorism Threat." Recently, Dr. Budowle has focused on counterterrorism, primarily in identification of victims from mass disasters and microbial forensics. Dr. Budowle was a principal advisor in efforts to identify the victims from the World Trade Center attack in 2001 and helped establish a mitochondrial DNA sequencing program to enable high-throughput sequencing of remains.
RAD provides a forum for students, faculty and staff to share their research efforts; showcases joint research projects; and increases the community’s awareness of the Health Science Center’s research programs. This year, participants will have the opportunity to see the daVinci surgical robot in action.
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