Category: Archive
March 9, 2012 • Archive
The Fort Worth Business Press named Jan Jowitt, RN, DHA, director of nursing and Central Services, and Mark DeHaven, PhD, Texas Prevention Institute, as 2012 Healthcare Heroes at its annual awards dinner on March 7. Don Peska, DO, dean of the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, accepted a special Heroes Health Care Award on behalf…
February 8, 2012 • Archive
In addition to showing off fascinating new research by our graduate researchers, UNTHSC's 20th annual Research Appreciation Day will feature keynote speaker Elizabeth Protas, PT, PhD, who will discuss exercise and its physiological responses as we age. Protas also is dean of the School of Health Professions at the University of Texas Medical Branch at…

February 3, 2012 • Archive
The UNT Health Science Center and all UNT Health clinics will remain closed Friday, Feb. 4, due to inclement weather.The Founders Activity Center is also closed Friday.

January 26, 2012 • Archive
UNT Health Science Center President Scott Ransom, DO, announced the appointment of Myron (Mike) Jacobson, PhD, as the founding dean of the UNT System College of Pharmacy. "After a national search we were very pleased to recruit a renowned expert on translational pharmaceutics, chemistry and research, an experienced academic leader in pharmacy education, and a…
January 19, 2012 • Archive
President Scott Ransom recognized 66 outstanding UNTHSC faculty members for their contributions to education, research and clinical care on January 19. Awards were based on such criteria as 2011 student satisfaction scores, patient satisfaction scores, extramural research funding, publications and faculty evaluations. In addition, the top six faculty members (two each in education, research, and…

January 18, 2012 • Archive
Janice Knebl, DO, MBA, professor of Internal Medicine and endowed chair of Geriatrics, recently was installed as the new chair of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, the testing organization that provides the pathway to licensure for osteopathic physicians in the U.S.Knebl received the Dallas Southwest Distinguished Endowed Chair in Clinical Geriatrics in 2003…
November 30, 2011 • Archive
Tune into CBS Channel 11 at 4:30 and 6:00 and Fox 4 News at 5:30 to see the story about the unidentified victim of serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Dixie Peters, technical leader for the Missing Persons Unit, talks about the process of analyzing mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to identify human remains as a result…

November 21, 2011 • Archive
The American Osteopathic Association's Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) recently confirmed the continuing accreditation of the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine (TCOM). TCOM received commendations on its teaching academy, rural education and research. The program will be reviewed again in the Spring of 2018.
November 16, 2011 • Archive
Ten UNT Health physicians have been selected as "Texas Super Doctors 2011" in the December issue of Texas Monthly magazine. Over 40,000 doctors across the state were asked to nominate physicians who they would choose in seeking medical care. The same 10 physicians were listed in last year's edition as well. Those named, and their…

November 15, 2011 • Archive
The UNT Health Science Center will be closed for Thanksgiving break Nov. 24-27. Administrative offices will re-open at 8 a.m., Monday, Nov. 28. All clinics staffed by UNT Health physicians will also be closed Nov. 24-27 in observance of the holiday. Regular clinic hours will resume on Monday, Nov. 28. Lewis Library will have reduced…
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