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| June 10, 2013

Reynolds Foundation grant enables UNTHSC, TCU collaboration as part of SAGE program

The UNT Health Science Center's (UNTHSC) Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine and School of Health Professions will expand its SAGE program and partner with the UNT System College of Pharmacy, along with the Texas Christian University Harris College of Nursing...

Class of 2013 Spreads
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| June 4, 2013

TCOM students contribute more than 7,000 hours of community service

Holidays and weekends, Blair Cushing (TCOM '15) works the Safe Haven of Tarrant County hotline so the staff can get a break from the desperate calls of domestic-abuse victims. Cushing is part of the reason the Texas College of Osteopathic...

Class of 2013 Spreads
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| May 24, 2013

TCOM Class of 2013: By the numbers

Here's a quick look at the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine Class of 2013 by the numbers. With 173 graduates, it was TCOM's largest ever class.Be sure to also check out the TCOM Class of 2013 Interactive Residency Map for...

Dickerman UNTHSC Alumni
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| May 10, 2013

Alumni Profile: Rob Dickerman, DO, PhD

A famous general once said, "Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory."Rob Dickerman, DO ('98), PhD ('98), has done both - and now he knows how it feels to be one of the best neurosurgeons...

HSC News placeholder graphic
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| May 9, 2013

UNTHSC hosts 2013 Health Disparities Conference May 30-31

Eighth Annual Health Disparities Conference focuses on the intersection of smoking, HIV/AIDS and cancer Tobacco smoking, HIV/AIDS and cancer challenge various under-represented minority and at-risk populations. Smoking is more common among economically disadvantaged people and HIV is highest in non-Hispanic...

UNTHSC Fort Worth Ariel wide
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| May 8, 2013

UNTHSC closed for Memorial Day

The UNT Health Science Center will be closed on May 27 for the Memorial Day holiday. Administrative offices will re-open at 8 a.m., Tuesday, May 28. All clinics staffed by UNT Health physicians will also be closed May 27 in...

UNTHSC PT Accreditation
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| May 7, 2013

Physical Therapy program reaches accreditation milestone

The UNT Health Science Center's Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, which began accepting students in 2010, has achieved initial accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Education. The program's first class, which graduates this month, will be eligible...

HSC News placeholder graphic
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| May 5, 2013

Watch a live stream of our Commencement Ceremony on May 18

UNT Health Science Center's Commencement this Saturday will feature an international thought leader in patient safety as guest speaker, plus a formal commissioning ceremony for graduates entering the U.S. military. John Nance, JD, author of the award-winning book Why Hospitals...

FidlerPhoto 2014 RAD7
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| April 24, 2013

Interprofessional education gets new emphasis

The Health Science Center is creating a new culture of interprofessionalism under the leadership of David Farmer, PhD, Director of Interprofessional Practice. Farmer is helping reduce siloization so health providers and professionals will work in teams to improve care and...

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| December 22, 2012

Establishing first protocols for Alzheimer’s blood test

To achieve FDA approval of the first blood test for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, UNT Health Science Center Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Sid O'Bryant has created an international working group to establish standards for blood collection. O'Bryant, who...