- Education
Pharmacy student spends eye-opening rotation in rural Montana
By Jan Jarvis Pharmacy student Rychlend Martin-Horne never imagined she would come face-to-face with a huge black bear and her cubs. The frightening experience during a 12-mile hike to Cracker Lake in Montana was not exactly what she expected from...

- Community
Cycling to work is healthier — but is it also faster?
By Alex Branch Would a bicycle get you to work faster? Maybe you’ve pondered that question in your car during a slow, congested morning commute. Two UNT Health Science Center College of Pharmacy professors will answer the question —...

- Education
New pharmacy dean joins UNTHSC
By Jan Jarvis S. Suresh Madhavan had just earned an MBA and was working at a good job in India when he made a decision that changed the course of his career. “I felt unfulfilled so I decided to come...

- Research
Students and residents present research prowess in RAD poster displays
By Jan Jarvis The CT scan of a 22-pound mass in the abdomen of a young woman was hard to miss in a room spilling over with research posters. To illustrate just how large the mass was, third-year Texas College...

- Education
Pharmacy students travel to Austin for lesson in advocacy
By Jan Jarvis Nearly a quarter of UNT System College of Pharmacy students took a day off from their classes to get a lesson in advocacy. The students joined nearly 600 pharmacy professionals from throughout the state for Pharmacist Day...

- Education
In the classroom: Pharmacy students debate dispensing medical marijuana
By Jan Jarvis First-year pharmacy students recently got a glimpse of how tough their careers might be one day when they debated their role in dispensing medical marijuana. It is better to have a pharmacist who is educated in...

- Education
Escape rooms offer pharmacy students innovative learning experience
By Alex Branch Escape rooms, the popular adventure game where people solve puzzles to escape a locked area, are good for testing mental strength under pressure. Turns out, they’re also good for learning how to be a pharmacist. UNT Health...

- Patient Care
For pharmacy class, a lesson in living with HIV
By Jan Jarvis Shelia Neal can’t recall much of what happened on the day she learned she was HIV positive because of the sheer shock of it all. But one thing stands out. “Until then, I had never had...

- Our People
Professor honored by American College of Clinical Pharmacology
By Jan Jarvis For more than 30 years, Michael Jann, PharmD, has collaborated with physicians, scientists, pharmacists and other health care professionals with the goal of improving patient care. His outstanding achievements and contributions were recently recognized by the...

- Research
Team studying rare disorder discovers novel way to target melanoma
By Jan Jarvis While studying a rare genetic disorder called NGLY1 deficiency, UNT Health Science Center researchers discovered a new targeted treatment for combating melanoma, a skin cancer that kills about 9,000 people in the United States each year. Their...
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