Email signatures

How to create your email signature


Within Outlook

  1. Click File > Options > Mail > Signatures
  2. Click on the signature you want to edit, then make your changes in the Edit Signature box.
  3. When done, select Save > OK


On main Outlook toolbar

  1. Select > Outlook > Preferences > Signatures

Outlook on the web

  1. Go to Settings > View all Outlook settings > Compose and reply.
  2. Under Email signature, type your signature and use the available formatting options to change its appearance.

Signature format

  1. Name and Title: Arial Bold, 12 pt, Black, separate with <SPACE, shift + \, space> to create the vertical line
  2. For Department: Arial Bold, 10 pt, normal, black
  3. Address, phone numbers: Arial Regular, 10 pt, black
  4. Use a dash in phone number
  5. Insert HSC graphic above email signature

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  1. Logo for email signatures