Interprofessional Education and Practice

Unit 3 – Interprofessional Communication (Day 2 of 2)

Description: Expert team collaboration requires each member of the team to have the competency to communicate clearly with interprofessional teammates, patients and their families and/or caregivers, and with nonprofessionals and volunteers involved in the care process. Competency in communication within and between organizations is also necessary in order to establish the roles and responsibilities necessary for effective patient and population health. Health and healthcare professionals, patients and/or populations, organizations and the community itself, all share responsibility for practicing effective communication. This unit addresses the third of the IPEC Core Competencies – to “communicate with patients, families, communities, and professionals in health and other fields in a responsive and responsible manner that supports a team approach to the promotion and maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease. 

Online Learning Objectives: 

  1. Explain the essential components of interprofessional communication
  2. Know the communication tools and strategies that enhance team function
  3. Develop approaches for interpersonal and informational conflict management

In-Class Objectives: 

  1. Share to learn about the education and training on communication strategies from different health professions
  2. Analyze case studies demonstrating communication errors and issues in interprofessional teams
  3. Practice effective communication strategies to improve transitions/hand-offs and conflict between team members, and thus also, improve teamwork and health outcomes

IPEC Competencies: 

The unit addresses the following sub-competencies through content, instruction, reflection, discussion, and activity. 


VE5. Work in cooperation with those who receive care, those who provide care, and others who contribute to or support the delivery of prevention and health services and programs. 

VE6. Develop a trusting relationship with patients, families, and other team members.5 

VE7. Demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct and quality of care in contributions to team-based care. 


RR6. Communicate with team members to clarify each member’s responsibility in executing components of a treatment plan or public health intervention. 

RR10. Describe how professionals in health and other fields can collaborate and integrate clinical care and public health interventions to optimize population health. 


CC1. Choose effective communication tools and techniques, including information systems and communication technologies, to facilitate discussions and interactions that enhance team function. 

CC2. Communicate information with patients, families, community members, and health team members in a form that is understandable, avoiding discipline-specific terminology when possible. 

CC3. Express one’s knowledge and opinions to team members involved in patient care and population health improvement with confidence, clarity, and respect, working to ensure common understanding of information, treatment, care decisions, and population health programs and policies. 

CC4. Listen actively, and encourage ideas and opinions of other team members. 

CC8. Communicate the importance of teamwork in patient-centered care and population health programs and policies. 


TT7. Share accountability with other professions, patients, and communities for outcomes relevant to prevention and health care. 

TT9. Use process improvement to increase effectiveness of interprofessional teamwork and team-based services, programs, and policies. 

TT11. Perform effectively on teams and in different team roles in a variety of settings. 

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