Interprofessional Education and Practice

Unit 1 – Interprofessional Values (Day 1 of 2)

Description: The first unit provides the background for IPE so to set a foundation for what all IPE learners will encounter during training and in practice. The online content provides said background, definition of key terms, and went on to emphasize the value of teams in health care and public health systems, introducing discourse on collective competence and the concept of psychological safety as key to positive outcomes of IPE. The in-class session applies learning activities to address the first of the IPEC Core Competencies – to “work with individuals of other professions to maintain a climate of mutual respect and shared values. 

Online Learning Objectives: 

  1. Define interprofessional education and the elements that comprise competence in interprofessional collaborative practice
  2. Recognize the role of IPE in improving health outcomes
  3. Identify the relevance of collective competence in support of effective interprofessional teamwork

In-Class Objectives: 

  1. Analyze and establish principles and strategies for creating psychological safety on interprofessional teams
  2. Identify shared beliefs, morals, values, as well as education/training of the health professions
  3. Create a team-orientation and foundation for all IPE learning so that true interprofessional collaboration is attainable

IPEC Competencies: 

The unit addresses the following sub-competencies through content, instruction, reflection, discussion, and activity. 


VE1. Place interests of patients and populations at center of interprofessional health care delivery and population health programs and policies, with the goal of promoting health and health equity across the life span. 

VE3. Embrace the culture diversity and individual differences that characterize patients, populations, and the health team. 

VE4. Respect the unique cultures, values, roles/responsibilities, and expertise of other health professions and the impact these factors can have on health outcomes. 

VE6. Develop a trusting relationship with patients, families, and other team members. 

VE8. Manage ethical dilemmas specific to interprofessional patient/population centered care situations. 


RR7. Forge interdependent relationships with other professions within and outside of the health system to improve care and advance learning. 


CC4. Listen actively, and encourage ideas and opinions of other team members. 

CC8. Communicate the importance of teamwork in patient-centered care and population health programs and policies. 


TT2. Develop consensus on the ethical principles to guide all aspects of team work. 

TT6. Engage self and others to constructively manage disagreements about values, roles, goals, and actions that arise among health and other professionals and with patients, families, and community members. 


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