2024 TeamSTEPPS Master Training
Join us for a 2-day TeamSTEPPS(R) Master Training!
TeamSTEPPS(R) is a program originally developed by the Department of Defense and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Its aim is to improve health outcomes through evidence-based team strategies and tools and is now updated to version 3.0. Master trainers are important in health professions education; they help reinforce TeamSTEPPS(R) in classrooms and professional/clinical learning experiences – creating more effective teams. Whether you are new to TeamSTEPPS(R) or have been trained before and need a refresher, this course is for you!
This FREE training, hosted by the Department of IPEP and the Regional Simulation Center, will provide participants with the tools, strategies, and principles for implementing, teaching, and facilitating TeamSTEPPS(R). You will learn the essentials of TeamSTEPPS(R) while also gaining knowledge in creating your own learning experiences!
This training is open to all UNTHSC faculty and staff and is free of charge! Deadline to register is July 12th!
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