Langston University-UNTHSC Partnership for Cancer Research and Education:

Cancer Research and Education Program, 2019-2024

Application CLOSED.



Teressa Hunter, Ph.D., RN​

Associate Professor & Dean​
School of Nursing and Health Professions​
Langston University ​
Langston, OK​



Riyaz Basha, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Vice Chair for Research ​
Department of Pediatrics & Women’s Health


Principal Investigator (s)

Byron Quinn, Ph.D​

Associate Professor & Chair​
Department of Biology​
Langston University ​
Langston, OK​


Riyaz Basha, Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Vice Chair for Research ​
Department of Pediatrics & Women’s Health ​
UNT Health Science Center​
Fort Worth, TX

Specific Aims

Specific Aim 1. Educational Enrichment Program (EEP): To enhance CREP Scholar’s preparedness for a biomedical research career in cancer.
CREP Scholars will participate in specialized courses tailored to fit their needs.
Courses: 1. Topics in Biomedical Sciences; 2. Fluorescence and Nanotechnology, and 3. Scientific Communications.
Once developed, the courses will be listed at LU and will be required for CREP Scholars and available to all students at LU
Specific Aim 2. Academic and Career Mentoring (ACM): To provide extensive training and mentoring to CREP Scholars and to ensure their interest for a seamless transition into graduate programs in biomedical sciences focusing on cancer areas for research.
Students and junior faculty will be provided with extended active coaching integrated with Inter-professional training programs and academic training.
The participants will have the opportunity to continue such counseling through their academic programs until they graduate or get established in their careers.
Specific Aim 3. Summer Research Program (SRP): To train the scholars with evidence-based hands-on research experience along with culturally responsive mentorship training.
CREP scholars will participate in summer research in the laboratories of assigned mentors to gain hands-on experience during the summer.

Aim 1: Educational Enrichment Program

Course 1:
Summer 2019: Topics in Biomedical Sciences (2 credit course)

Students anonymously complete evaluation

Riyaz Basha, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Dianna Cross, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Christianna Howard, Ph.D. (LU)
Teressa Hunter, RN, Ph.D. (LU)
Harlan Jones, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Stephen Mathew, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Nicole Phillips, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Umesh T. Sankpal, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)


Course 2:

Fall 2019: Fluorescence and Nanotechnology  (2 credit course)

Students anonymously complete evaluation


Rafal Fudala, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Christianna Howard, Ph.D. (LU)
Teressa Hunter, RN, Ph.D. (LU)
Laszlo Prokai, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Amalendu Ranjan, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)
Sangam Raut, Ph.D. (UNTHSC)

Course 3: 

Scientific Writing 

Participants (LU Students) are receiving intellectual support in

  • Research
  • Career Advancement
  • Culturally Responsible Mentoring

Training Methods:

Face to face Coaching:

  • Research training in labs of Drs. Quinn and Christianna (LU) and Dr. Jones (at UNTHSC in summer)
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training conducted at LU by Drs. Riyaz Basha and Maya Nair
  • Participants completed anonymous workshop evaluation

Research participation: Mentee/Mentor relationship

  • A virtual workshop for mentees (LU students) facilitated by Dr. Harlan Jones

Aim 2. Academic and Career Mentoring


  • Reviewing the courses and workshop evaluations by the students
  • Improving the topics/courses/workshops incorporating the suggestions of the students
  • Research training for mentees in faculty labs at LU
  • Research training for LU students (mentees) at UNTHSC in summer
  • LU Faculty training in ‘Culturally Responsive Mentoring’ (Facilitated by Drs. Basha, Jones, and Nair)
  • Workshop on National Research Mentoring Network and enrolling both mentors/mentees of LU in MyNRMN (https://nrmnet.net/mynrmn/)


Hands-on research experience in summer

Program Committee

Principal Investigator:    Byron Quinn, PhD

Core Lead:   Teressa Hunter, PhD., RN

Co-Investigator:  Christianna Howard, PhD


UNT Health Science Center

Principal Investigator:     Jamboor K. Vishwanatha, PhD

Core Lead:   Riyaz Basha, PhD

Co-Investigator:  Harlan Jones, PhD

Co-Investigator:   Laszlo Prokai, PhD

Co-Investigator:  Pankaj Chaudhary, PhD

Co-Investigator:   Maya P. Nair, PhD

Instructional Designer:  Robin Bartoletti, PhD

Program Manager:  Pat Baker

P20 Success

Year 2:

This partnership initiated conversations with faculty members from both institutions to design three courses to be offered to undergraduate students at Langston University.

The first-course “Topics in Biomedical Sciences’ was developed based on needs expressed by the Langston University faculty.

‘Florescence and nanotechnology’ were offered in Fall 2019 and ‘Communication and Scientific Writing’ was offered in Spring 2020.

‘Topics in Biomedical Sciences’ will be offered in Summer 2020.

All of these courses are 2 credit courses.

A total 71 students (Florescence and nanotechnology: 12; Communication and Scientific

Writing: 28; Topics in Biomedical Sciences: 31) enrolled in these courses.

A faculty development workshop that includes mentor training, interprofessional education and responsible conduct of research was offered on Langston University campus in Fall 2019, and another one is planned for Fall 2020. We have also provided exposure to health disparities research through the participation of Langston University students and faculty in the 15th annual Texas Conference on Health Disparities held in June 2020.


Year 3:

This program initiated conversations with faculty members from both institutions to design three courses to be offered to undergraduate students at Langston University.

The first course “Topics in Biomedical Sciences’ was developed based on needs expressed by the Langston University faculty and offered in Summer 2019 and Summer 2020; ‘Florescence and nanotechnology’ was offered in Fall 2019 and Fall 2020; ‘Communication and Scientific Writing’ was offered in Spring 2020 and Spring 2021.

All of these courses are 2 credit courses.

In year 3, a total of 37 students (Florescence and nanotechnology: 16; Communication and Scientific Writing: 21) enrolled in these courses.

2 students from the Langston University are conducting summer research at UNTHSC.


Intranasal Delivery of a Nano-based Tumor Vaccine to Prevent Lung Tumor Metastasis

Research focusing on the development of immune-based therapy to prevent tumor metastasis from existing primary breast cancer. We are particularly interested in elevating lung immunity through the nasal delivery of various tumor vaccine constructs. Our long term goal is that complementary early primary diagnosis coupled with targeted vaccination at metastatic sites will reduce mortality and reoccurring cancer, ultimately improve patient quality of life.


Harlan P. Jones, Ph.D., University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, Texas
Byron Quinn, Ph.D., Langston University, Langston Oklahoma

Project Students:

Michael Donkor, Ph.D. Candidate, UNT Health Science Center
Kayla Moore, Undergraduate Student, Langston University

Financial Support


Project Title: Langston University-UNTHSC Partnership for Cancer Research and Education

Award No. 1P20CA233355-01




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