This is our why

Help our students succeed

We’re educating a new generation of doctors, health professionals, and researchers. They are tomorrow’s health workforce, driven by a mission to serve others. We want to equip them with resources that will help them succeed.

Give now to help us help our students

The HSC family works to bridge disparities and create healthier communities across North Texasbut sometimes the disparities we need to bridge are closer to home Give now to these funds to help us help our students succeed. 

Student Emergency Fund

Our students are not immune from the real-world struggles that can get in the way of higher learning. The Student Emergency Fund assists students who need support as they balance their studies and everyday lives.

Student Scholarships

Graduate school is an investment. Scholarships help ease the financial burden and bring peace of mind to students. Growing HSC’s scholarship pool would allow us to help more students.

Faculty and Research Support

Our faculty and researchers are educating future health professionals. Providing financial support in the form of endowments allows us to recruit and retain the best educators for our students. For more information contact Mark Hughes at 817-735-2018 or

This is our Why

We are driven by HSC’s mission to serve others. Read the stories of our extraordinary faculty, staff and students to find out how their work is creating healthier communities in North Texas.

Give Now