HSC at Fort Worth

The Poetics and Politics of Storytelling in Healthcare Contexts

Storytelling matters. People derive a sense of what to believe and how to act from stories shared at kitchen tables and on front porches, in classrooms and healthcare clinics, in news reports and through art exhibits. We live, we grieve, and we story with others as we narrate birthing and dying and turning points in between. Join us for an interactive session on the poetics and politics of storytelling in therapeutic contexts. We will explore how storytelling fosters resilience among individuals and groups facing vulnerability and how narrative logics function in healthcare.

Location: MET 109-111

To Learn more about the event: https://www.unthsc.edu/academic-innovation/events/ahsejulyspecial2023

How to attend this event: They can register at the link provided in the previous question.

Offer continuing education credit? Yes

Event Contact: Laura Moore | laura.moore@unthsc.edu


Jul 19 2023


7:00 am - 3:00 pm