HSC at Fort Worth

Remote Area Medical

HSC and RAM are partnering to provide free dental, vision and medical care to the underserved and uninsured in the DFW communities. Open to the public and volunteers and health care will be provided by faculty, staff, students of HSC as well as other medical providers in the area. Media coverage will be involved as well.

Date: 2021-12-11 - 2021-12-12

Event time on day 1: 06:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Event time on day 2: 06:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Location: Hillwood, 13901 Aviator Way, Fort Worth, 76177

To Learn more about the event: www.unthsc.edu/ram

How to attend this event: Just show up. This event is open to the public.

Offer continuing education credit? No

Event Contact: Noah Drew | noah.drew@unthsc.edu


Dec 11 2021


6:00 am - 12:00 am