HSC at Fort Worth

1st annual Raniyah Ramadan Poster Presentation

The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC) is pleased to announce that the North Texas Eye Research Institute (NTERI) and The Raniyah Ramadan Foundation requests your participation in the 1st annual Raniyah Ramadan Poster Presentation. In September, HSC and NTERI will host the 2021 Raniyah Ramadan Distinguished Symposium, dedicated to the memory of Dr. Raniyah Ramadan. Dr. Ramadan was heavily involved in research and programs for neuro-ophthalmology. HSC and NTERI are excited to celebrate her life, dreams and achievements while advancing her career posthumously.

NTERI encourages the participation of all students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty, government agencies and community organizations to submit abstracts. Organizations are encouraged to submit as many proposals as they wish. Student abstracts will be judged on-site and eligible for awards.



All abstracts must be submitted by 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30.

Before submitting your abstract, please read the submission guidelines. We will only consider abstracts submitted in accordance with the guidelines stated below.


Selection of presentations will be conducted by peer reviewers based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance/Significance
  • Contribution to Science and/or Practice
  • Fit with Conference Theme
  • Timeliness
  • Innovation
  1. Approach/Methodology
  • Scientific Quality/Rigor
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Assessment
  • Appropriateness of Approach
  1. Lessons Learned/Conclusions
  • Impact
  • Implications/Next Steps
  • Relevance to the Broad Community


You will receive an e-mail acknowledgement that your abstract has been received for consideration. If your abstract is selected, you will receive notification on or before Monday, Sept.6. The notification will include all guidelines and all appropriate logistical information.

If your proposal is accepted, you will be required to:

  • Register for the conference and pay the full registration fee.
  • Set up your poster no later than 8 a.,m. Monday, Sept. 17. Poster panels have a display area of 57″w by 36″h. Only Velcro may be used to secure posters to the display panels. Velcro will be available at the information table inside the entrance to the poster session.
  • Display your poster for the entire duration of the conference.
  • First/primary author only, must be present to discuss the poster and answer questions during the designated poster presentation time.

Note: The following instructions have been prepared to help improve the effectiveness of poster presentation.


A panel of judges will select the top 3 poster presentations. Student awardees will be selected based on the abstract, the poster, and a discussion held with the student at the poster session. This discussion should be clear and concise and must not exceed 5 minutes. If the student worked with collaborators on the project, including his or her advisor, this presentation should clearly describe the student’s role in the overall project.

In reviewing the poster, the panel will look for a clear statement of the research problem or topic, methods, analysis, interpretation of results, conclusions and a well-organized presentation. Additional criteria will include the originality of the work, the student’s grasp of the findings, and the clarity of presentation to the committee.

Winners will be awarded at the award ceremony during the conference. Student must be present during the award ceremony to receive the award.


The primary author(s) of the poster must be a student. Posters will be reviewed by members of the Conference Poster Session Committee and the authors of accepted posters will be notified promptly.

If the abstract has multiple authors, the student(s) must be listed first.

Student presentations may reflect either undergraduate or graduate work.

Any questions, contact: 

Dimitrios Karamichos, PhD

Director of Research, NTERI
Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology & Neuroscience
3430 Camp Bowie Blvd. IREB-508
U. North Texas Health Science Center
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Email: dimitrios.karamichos@unthsc.edu
Office: 817 735 2101