Your PeopleFest Team Needs You: Competing in ANY of the Games Earns Points for Your Team

Thursday, October 17th, is the last day to earn points early for your teams. Take part today to get points on the board!

  • NEW: Take the HSC Connection Quiz by clicking on this link
  • Recognize someone for living our values by sending a “Way to Go!”

CLICK HERE to sign up for games.

These are the INDIVIDUAL GAMES you can sign up for on Tuesday, Oct. 22:

  • Ultimate Obstacle Course – involves a balloon, plastic eggs and chairs…interesting!
  • Spoons – A card game for quick thinkers
  • Bucket Challenge (no ice involved!)

On Wednesday, Oct. 23, the TEAM GAMES include:

  • Pictionary
  • Speed Puzzle
  • Tower Challenge

Remember you only need to sign up for one game slot – you don’t need to build your own team. Reach out to with questions.