Online Webinar:Finding Balance April 20 2:00-3:00 At your computer Session Code: AV17FB
Please use session code AV17FB to register at:
1. A few minutes before the training begins, select the following:
2. Select “Enter as a Guest”
3. Type in your Full Name
4. Select “Enter Room”
5. That’s it! Just wait for the training to begin.
Too many of us go to work and return home day after day,
spreading ourselves more and more thinly over our personal and
professional lives. This training takes a close look at how pressures
and expectations from each sphere can become unbalanced,
eating up our time and exhausting our determination. Learn how
to get out of survival mode and into a steadier, more purposeful
Topics include:
*What makes balance seem impossible
*What work-life masters do differently
*Critically assessing your balance and satisfaction level
For questions contact: